Surviving a Cash Flow Crisis : Successful Nonprofits

Bonus Break 8

Surviving a Cash Flow Crisis

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Bonus Break 8

Surviving a Cash Flow Crisis

Listen on  iTunes    Android     Stitcher   Libsyn

by GoldenburgGroup

There is nothing scarier than a cash-flow crisis. It can undermine your organization’s success and even your own confidence.

If you’re facing a cash flow crisis, listen to this bonus break over a cup of coffee. In less than 15 minutes, you’ll learn:

(1:30) The importance of staying calm throughout the process
(2:00) The three initiatives in your “cash crunch survival plan”
(2:30) Three realistic ways to generate more cash quickly
(5:42) How to address the financial difficulties when speaking to donors
(6:47) How to get a funder to give you a bridge loan
(7:30) Getting a line of credit from a bank – even when you have no collateral
(9:40) A cautionary warning about using credit that every nonprofit should consider
(10:38) How to make the cash you do have last longer


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