: Successful Nonprofits

Solving Burnout at Your Nonprofit with Jennifer Moss

Solving Burnout at Your Nonprofit with Jennifer Moss

by Ro

Yoga and a good night’s rest won’t fix burnout. Rather, it takes systemic change. So join Jennifer Moss for a conversation about how nonprofit leaders can prevent burnout by supporting their staff and creating a healthy workplace culture.

Listen to the Episode Here!


Jennifer’s Website

The Book: The Burnout Epidemic

Podcast: Ep 179: 8 Proven Ways to Feel Happier at Work with Bea Boccalandro

Podcast: Ep 182: Life After Burnout with Bethany Planton and Trish Bachman


(01:30) Jennifer’s pandemic burnout story

(05:20) Tackling burnout from the wrong end

(06:47) Causes of burnout

(08:18) How leaders can support staff

(11:26) Navigating crisis conversations with staff

(13:45) Managing the workload

(18:41) Creating boundaries and setting expectations

(22:23) Modeling healthy behaviors


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