Fundraising Myths with Jack Silverstein - Successful Nonprofits Podcast

Time to change the way you fundraise and raise more money with Jack Silverstein

Time to change the way you fundraise and raise more money with Jack Silverstein

by Ro

Jack and Dolph explore, and bust, common fundraising myths from the profitability of events to who makes the best major donor prospect.

Listen to the Episode Here!


Website: YUCKS Enterprises

The Book: Tales from the Trenches: What I Learned from 25 Years of Fundraising

Podcast: Ep 72: Make Your Board an Engaged Fundraising Machine with Kim Horton and Greg Giles

Podcast: Ep 170: Challenge the Fundraising Status Quo with Sherry Quam Taylor


(03:30) Event myths

(09:00) Board myths 

(11:50) Staff myths

(22:30) Donor prospect myths


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