Impact Without Burnout with Beth Kanter : Successful Nonprofits

Episode 29

Impact Without Burnout with Beth Kanter

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Episode 29

Impact Without Burnout with Beth Kanter

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by GoldenburgGroup

You have to engage employees and get their feedback about wellness and wellbeing in the workplace.

The nonprofit sector is known for long work hours, where our passion and excitement for the mission sustains us through the difficult times. But failing to care of ourselves eventually takes a toll on our passion and every other aspect of our lives.

Imagine  if it was possible to have an impact without burnout?  On this episode of the Successful Nonprofits Podcast, we speak with Beth Kanter, co-author of The Happy Health Nonprofit about how organizations can actually achieve both impact and happy employees who balance work and personal lives.

We recorded this conversation when I was sick and at the end of an unusually busy 24-hour period. In fact, I allowed far more on my calendar than usual the day of the interview, and I was feeling stressed out with a lack of sleep and down time.

I’m normally very good about setting and enforcing good boundaries, but somehow this day got away from me. And if every day was like this, I honestly think I would be burned out in two weeks. So I took this conversation with Beth to heart, as she shared

  • Ways we can set appropriate self-care boundaries as individuals
  • Opportunities for managers and executive directors to build impactful, sustainable organizations
  • Thoughts on how teams can play a role in building nonprofit workplaces that meet their personal needs

Contact Beth Kanter:


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