: Successful Nonprofits

Thinking Ahead with Joan Dove

Thinking Ahead with Joan Dove

by Ro

Episode Overview 

A lot of nonprofits rely on their insurance to protect them. But the fact of the matter is that insurance should just be the backstop for when all else has failed. Instead, your first line of defense should be to think through your risks and figure out how to minimize them. Listen to today’s conversation between Dolph and Joan Dove for common areas of risks and what you can do to mitigate them.

Timestamp Highlights

(02:40) A Case Study: Field Trips
(10:15) Most significant areas of risk 
(25:30) Having, and using, your internal policies and procedures


Gallagher Website
Joan’s Email
Podcast: Ep 180: Creating a Strong Back Office with Sean Hale
Podcast: Ep 195: How to Prevent a Data Breach at Your Nonprofit with Spencer Pollock

About Us

The Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is on a mission to help nonprofits and their leaders thrive! It is hosted by our principal consultant, Dolph Goldenburg, and produce by Lexie Linger. Each of our weekly episodes brings you fresh ideas and featured conversations with industry thought leaders. Founded in 2015, Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is proud to be recognized as one of the top podcasts serving nonprofit leaders.

Contact Our Host, Dolph Goldenburg



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