: Successful Nonprofits

Breaking Taboos: Saving Lives through Suicide Prevention with Beth Eversole

Breaking Taboos: Saving Lives through Suicide Prevention with Beth Eversole

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Episode Overview 

This Successful Nonprofits® podcast episode engages in a crucial conversation with Beth Eversole, CEO of the Palmer Drug Abuse Program. Drawing from her personal experience as a suicide loss survivor and her professional experience as a licensed clinical social worker, Beth provides invaluable expertise on suicide prevention. Exploring risk factors, warning signs, and proactive approaches, she emphasizes the significance of taking every signal seriously. Listeners gain insight into creating safe spaces for conversations and addressing potential pitfalls, all while fostering empathy and support. Join us as Dolph and Beth shed light on a topic that matters deeply to all nonprofit professionals, bringing hope and actionable ideas to the forefront.

Timestamp Highlights

[02:37] Beth reflects on her personal experience as a suicide loss survivor and discusses the importance of discussing suicide prevention.
[04:27] Beth’s top three risk factors: direct conversation about suicide, giving away prized possessions, and sudden mood changes leading to calmness.
[06:01] Beth advises how to initiate conversations about suicide prevention, emphasizing the need to stay calm and ask directly about self-harm.
[09:04] Beth discusses unhelpful approaches, including denial, blame, judgment, stigmatizing language, promising to keep secrets, discussing pros and cons of suicide, and challenging for shock effect. 
[10:29] The importance of not keeping conversations about suicide private and how to navigate situations where confidentiality was initially promised.
[11:15] Exploring strategies for approaching individuals who may be open to receiving help or intervention.
[12:49] The significance of empathy and support. 
[17:03] What actions nonprofit leaders can take to promote suicide prevention within their organizations
[18:06] In cases where suicide is believed to be imminent, Beth advises direct communication, suggesting phrases and actions to take
[20:55] Financial advice for mid-career social workers or nonprofit executives who have debt and limited savings. 
[22:35] The message of continuing to save while managing debt.


Palmer Drug Abuse Program’s Website
Beth’s LinkedIn
Podcast: Ep 161: Adopting a Trauma-Informed Approach in Your Nonprofit with Kate Daugherty
Podcast: Ep 204: The Lion in Front of You with Jessica Borushok

About Us

The Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is on a mission to help nonprofits and their leaders thrive! It is hosted by our principal consultant, Dolph Goldenburg, and produce by Lexie Linger. Each of our weekly episodes brings you fresh ideas and featured conversations with industry thought leaders. Founded in 2015, Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is proud to be recognized as one of the top podcasts serving nonprofit leaders.

Contact Our Host, Dolph Goldenburg


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