Successful Nonprofits: 11 Donor-Tested Ways to Say “Thank You”

11 Donor-Tested Ways to Say “Thank You”

11 Donor-Tested Ways to Say “Thank You”

by Ro

We all know how important it is to thank donors. But it can be challenging to come up with a thank-you that stands out and really means something to your donors. So listen in to today’s episode for donor-tested, staff-approved ways of showing your donors just how much you appreciate them.

Listen to the Episode Here!


Podcast: Ep 73: Steward Donors Like Your Favorite Brands with Rachel Muir

Podcast: Ep 168: Unleash Your Donors’ Generosity with Brady Josephson

Podcast: Ep 174: Help Donors Fall In Love…With Your Organization with Abra Annes


(01:40) Personalized thank you note, regardless of donation size

(04:10) Personalized video

(05:11) Custom painting & personalized Happy Birthday message

(07:03) Engaging donors in problem solving

(08:37) A personalized goodie package

(10:30) An essay of thanks and reflection

(12:50) Paying it forward

(14:40) Invitation to the local National Philanthropy Day Celebration

(16:16) Photo

(18:19) Products produced by clients


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