Your 4-Day Workweek Blueprint with Jessica Weitzel

Your 4-Day Workweek Blueprint with Jessica Weitzel

Your 4-Day Workweek Blueprint with Jessica Weitzel

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Episode Overview 

A few episodes ago we explored the benefits of the 4-day workweek. In this episode, we delve into the practicalities of how you can try out a 4-day workweek at your nonprofit. Jessica Weitzel joins us to share how her consulting practice, Via Evaluation, developed, implemented, and evaluated a 4-day workweek pilot. Together, she and Dolph share tips for identifying your success metrics, determining your work schedule, preparing your staff for the transition, and communicating your new schedule to your clients and community members. Along the way, Jessica shares the outcomes she and her staff have observed since starting their pilot.

Timestamp Highlights
[03:41] What are some key success metrics for evaluating a 4-day workweek?
[06:45] What should I consider when setting my organization’s 4-day workweek schedule?
[12:00] How can I prepare my staff for a transition to the 4-day workweek?
[19:00] How can I prepare my clients and community for a transition to the 4-day workweek?
[22:30] What impact to my revenue and staffing can I expect from transitioning to a 4-day workweek?


Via Evaluation’s Website 

4 Day Week Global Website 

App: Paymo 

Software: HiveDesk 

Podcast: Ep 265: Become a Competitive (and Equitable) Employer with Kevin Dean 

Podcast: Ep 305: The Great Success of our 4-Day Workweek Experiment with Pam Orr

About Us

The Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is on a mission to help nonprofits and their leaders thrive! It is hosted by our principal consultant, Dolph Goldenburg, and produce by Lexie Linger. Each of our weekly episodes brings you fresh ideas and featured conversations with industry thought leaders. Founded in 2015, Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is proud to be recognized as one of the top podcasts serving nonprofit leaders.

Contact Our Host, Dolph Goldenburg


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