Sabbaticals for Nonprofit Leadership and Staff

Tips for Making Your Dream Sabbatical a Reality with Emily Raskin

Tips for Making Your Dream Sabbatical a Reality with Emily Raskin

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Episode Overview 

If you’re a regular listener, then you know Dolph is getting ready to take a sabbatical. And that’s because we believe all nonprofit staff should take a regular sabbatical. If you’re wondering how you can make sabbaticals a reality at your nonprofit, then make sure you listen in to Dolph’s conversation with Emily Raskin for sabbatical tips and best practices.

Timestamp Highlights

(02:50) Why Executive Directors should take sabbaticals
(06:20) Sabbatical best practices
(08:15) Preparing for your sabbatical
(11:22) Returning from your sabbatical< (18:28) The average sabbatical
(24:30) Supporting EDs and staff to take sabbaticals


Website: O2 Initiatives
Website: BIPOC ED Coalition
Podcast: Ep 64: Sabbaticals for Everyone in Your Organization with Marvin Webb
Podcast: Ep 265: Become a Competitive (and Equitable) Employer with Kevin Dean

About Us

The Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is on a mission to help nonprofits and their leaders thrive! It is hosted by our principal consultant, Dolph Goldenburg, and produce by Lexie Linger. Each of our weekly episodes brings you fresh ideas and featured conversations with industry thought leaders. Founded in 2015, Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is proud to be recognized as one of the top podcasts serving nonprofit leaders.

Contact Our Host, Dolph Goldenburg



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