Successful Nonprofits: Unlock the Power of Social Media

Unlock the Power of Social Media with Nick Black

Unlock the Power of Social Media with Nick Black

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Episode Overview 

In this episode, Dolph and Nick Black talk about how you can use social media to engage your supporters and raise more money for your cause. Join them for tips and strategies on how to create engaging content, build a strong following, and drive donations.

Timestamp Highlights

(2:58) Nick’s story
(6:29) Using technology to engage donors
(8:40) The role of websites, email newsletters, and social media

(13:02) How to build your audience profile
(17:51) Making every donor feel like a major donor
(20:00) Engaging donors through their preferred channel


Podcast: Ep 55: Grow your Nonprofit’s Social Media with Shantel Khleif
Blog: 4 Tips to Launch Your Nonprofit’s Digital Advocacy Campaign

About Us

The Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is on a mission to help nonprofits and their leaders thrive! It is hosted by our principal consultant, Dolph Goldenburg, and produce by Lexie Linger. Each of our weekly episodes brings you fresh ideas and featured conversations with industry thought leaders. Founded in 2015, Successful Nonprofits® Podcast is proud to be recognized as one of the top podcasts serving nonprofit leaders.

Contact Our Host, Dolph Goldenburg



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